Do I Have Insurance Coverage From Riots, Vandalism and Looting?

Do I Have Insurance Coverage From Riots, Vandalism and Looting?

Most insurance policies cover damage from rioting, looting and vandalism. Just because pundits use hyperbole and call some of this behavior “domestic terrorism” does not mean it legally meets that definition, which can only be enacted by the US Secretary of the Treasury, the US Secretary of Homeland Security, and the US Attorney General.

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Cyber Insurance Will Change Everything

Cyber Insurance Will Change Everything

Cyber attacks are one of the greatest threats to business and individuals alike because of the scalability of hacks.  Once a hacker has the ability to hack 100,000 people, it takes no more effort or skill to hack a hundred million people (Meltdown and Spectre are proving that once either processing chip can be hacked once it can be scaled to a majority of computing devices in the world- and most cloud storage).  This is highly alarming, but what can we do about it?

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Why It Matters If We Call The Las Vegas Shooting Terrorism or Not

Why It Matters If We Call The Las Vegas Shooting Terrorism or Not

Just because people feel terrorized, does not legally make an incident terrorism.  The generally accepted term for terrorism requires political, religious, or ideological motive.  The authorities are continuing to look for the shooter's motive.  Whether the Secretary of the Treasury certifies it as such can have a major impact on insurance. 

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